Nsf Emphasizes Quantum'S Importance in Congressional Showcase

The National Science Foundation held a "quantum technology showcase" on Capitol Hill this week to highlight research funded by the federal government into things like quantum computing and artificial intelligence, NextGov reports.

"The reason it's important for having the showcases here, is this is where policy gets made, investments in the future get made, and so it's very important that we engage with our policy leaders and investors and ensure that we are demonstrating to them that the taxpayer dollars that we are investing in is producing the outcomes that they still desire," says NSF's director of quantum information technology.

The showcase is just one way the NSF is trying to drum up support for federal funding in the face of budget cuts, the Quantum Insider reports.

"America's continued scientific leadership and global competitiveness are at risk here," says the president of the Association of American Universities.

"Forcing NSF to make serious cuts also negatively impacts grant success for researchers interested in working on critical scientific advancements."

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