South Orangetown Middle School Students Explore Design, Creativity with Birdhouse Project

credit: KLHVAC

When students at South Orangetown Middle School in New York build birdhouses, they're not just making them for decoration.

They're also helping to create habitat for their avian neighbors, the Journal News reports.

Thanks to a grant from the Rockland Community Foundation, the school will install the birdhouses throughout its campus.

"The kids of South Orangetown Middle School are designing and building birdhouses that we're going to install throughout our campus to provide habitat for our avian neighbors," says the school's technology teacher, Louis Chugranis.

He's working with art teacher Tatiana DiPierno on the project.

"Some of these students are from art for public spaces, which is a club we have and we're working in joint with Mr. Chugranis' club, which is building the birdhouses," DiPierno says.

"So we take the artistic end in decorating them and children are personalizing them."

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